No one has studied the New Age Movement more than Texe Marrs. My earliest discovery was that virtually every New Age cult was founded by a Jew, or Jews. This makes sense because New Age doctrines came straight out of the Jewish Kabbalah.
Study the Kabbalah and you are studying the New Age Movement. No difference what-soever.
The New Age teaches that the “higher consciousness” person will become a god. It stresses that the entire world will eventually catapult into a higher state of consciousness, and that the Serpent will assist in this transformation. How much more Judaic can you be than that?
When Madonna, Britney Spears, or Hillary Clinton study the Kabbalah, they are certifying their New Age credentials. Remember how Hillary, her gal pals, and her New Age teacher, the Jewish guru, Jean Houston, used to go up on top of the White House and communicate with the spirits?
Today, Hillary and Bill can often be seen wearing their red wristbands, a sure sign of a Kabbalah disciple.
Contemporary New Agers pay homage to the Russian Jewess, Helena Blavatsky, who founded Theosophy and whose disciples today publish a series of New Age books by the “Tibetan Master, Djwahl Kuhl.” These teachings come from the Jewish Kabbalah.
Hinduism is pure Kabbalism, as is Freemasonry. Albert Pike, 33° Mason and father of the Scottish Rite’s ritual program, applauds the Kabbalah as embodying the core teachings of the Masonic Lodge.
Henry Clausen, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander of Freemasonry, in his book, Emergence of the Mystical, states:
“Today we are at the threshold of a new era…We look toward a transformation into a New Age, using…the insight and wisdom of the ancient mystics…and the mysticism of Eastern religions.” |
Make no mistake—Freemasonry and its rituals are thoroughly New Age, and thus are Judaic. This fact is why Texe Marrs and Power of Prophecy are dedicated to exposing the evil doctrines and practices of Judaism and the New Age.